Quotes from Two to Tango

"What's that smell?" -Lilly
"Well, it is either Catanooga Surprise or Catanooga Delight. And I have to decide because the grand opening's in two days. What do you think?" -Joanie
"What about Catanooga Choo Choos?" -Lilly
"You're brilliant!" -Joanie

"You know, don't you think you're being unfair? Do you know one person that can say for sure that the Ritigliato family has done anything wrong?" -Joanie
"You have a point." -Sydney
"Of course you don't, because they're all at the bottom of the Providence river." -Joanie

"See, Hannah, this is Mommy's new business. It's going to pay for your college education and Mommy's new thighs. Pretty cool, huh?" -Joanie

"You know what you need to do now, don't you? You need to lead." -Lynda

"Mob or no mob, the guy knows how to start a girl's day." -Joanie

"I nailed down the recipes for the Mad Dog Munchies and the Feline Franks." -Joanie
"I have outside distribution for the people food. No offense." -Brady
"Hey, I'm cooking for animals now, I'm way past the point of being offended." -Joanie

"Hey, do you think these Christmas lights say 'warm and inviting' or do they say these people are too damn lazy to take down their lights every holiday season?" -Joanie

"...iguanas only drink tequila." -Heather

"What is it with these guys I fall for? Y'know, first there's Richie, who's only interested in Hannah, and then I fall for Brady who wants nothing to do with her whatsoever." -Joanie
"What are you going to do?" -Sydney
"Order something fattening and sulk." -Joanie

"You should say a few words." -Sydney
"A speech!" -Joanie
"No, like a few words." -Sydney

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